MORE FELINES: My feline portrait paintings are posted on this page as they become available
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Click image to see close-up detail.
This page was last updated: February 17, 2020
Oil with Beeswax on stretched canvas
Image size 11 x 14 inches
Whiskers is a senior cat (age 21 years!)
His photo at Pet Paw See shows him at one of the adopt-a-thons in a shopping mall.
I decided that Whiskers needed to be portrayed in a setting that he'd feel more at home in. I chose tulips as they are symbolic of spring and new life -- even for a senior cat! His foster Mom has told me that Whiskers, who is an indoors cat, loves to watch the outdoors from windows and patio doors.
The addition of small amounts of beeswax to the oils gives this painting a rich surface texture and color.
To commission a portrait of your senior cat (or an angel pet), please email me for details and pricing/donation%:

Oil on gesso on archival paper
Image size 4 x 5 inches
Gold tone frame, ready to display on wall or mantel
KO is a "senior" cat seeking a permanent home. He appears to have some Maine Coon cat in his lineage --- it shows in his luxurious coat and large green eyes.
This small painting can be displayed on a wall or on a mini-easel place on a mantel, shelf or desk/table.
25% of purchase price of this painting will be donated to Pet Paw-See for care of felines waiting for adoption.
Click image to see close-up detail.
Click image to see close-up detail.
Oil on gesso on archival paper
Image size 4 x 5 inches
Gold tone frame, ready to display on wall or mantel
KO is a "senior" cat seeking a permanent home. He appears to have some Maine Coon cat in his lineage --- it shows in his luxurious coat and large green eyes.
As with all my paintings, I choose not to use black paint -- not even to paint a black cat! Instead, I use a selection of Ultramarine Blue, a violet and a red (usually Venetian Red.)
25% of purchase price of this painting will be donated to Pet Paw-See for care of felines waiting for adoption.

"Siamese Eyes - AUM1"
Oil on gesso on archival paper
Image size 5 x 7 inches
Ornate silvery tone frame, ready to display on wall or mantel
This painting is based on Louie, a full-grown Siamese cat seeking a permanent home.
It is also a companion piece to the painting "Siamese Eyes - AUM 2."
To see a close up detail of this painting, click on the small image at left.
The canvas paper provides a linen-like texture to the painting, similar to my painting of Mae Ling. I purposefully applied the oil paint in thin veils to preserve the texture and also the visibility of underlying brushstrokes and color layers. My manner of working is especially effective in the depiction of the cat's eyes.
I embellished both Siamese cat paintings with a Sanskrit word in real gold-leaf permanently affixed to the painting and sealed. The Sanskrit word is pronounced AUM (A + U + M) and has over a hundred meanings. According to one source, the word AUM itself is total divinity manifested. Ah! What feline lover would not agree then that surely AUM must also be a Siamese cat?

"Siamese Eyes - AUM2"
Oil on gesso on archival paper
Image size 5 x 7 inches
Ornate silvery tone frame, ready to display on wall or mantel
I created this painting with only Siamese cats in mind and not a specific one. Unlike Louie in the first painting, who is what's known as an apple head, this cat typifies the more triangular-shaped head many people associate with the breed.
To see a close up detail of this painting, click on the small image at left.
Original Art for Home & Office